docker-compose redis cluster bridge

docker compose 集群 network: bridge

建议使用 network: host.

由于 Redis 集群不支持网络转发,因此 Docker 搭建 Redis 集群需要注意网络的设置。搭建一个子网是没问题的,集群可以跑起来可以用,但是宿主机是无法使用集群的,只能在子网内部使用


在 Linux 系统上安装 Compose

Docker Compose 依赖 Docker Engine 进行任何有意义的工作,因此请确保根据您的设置,在本地或远程安装了 Docker Engine。

Install using pip

For alpine, the following dependency packages are needed: py-pip, python3-dev, libffi-dev, openssl-dev, gcc, libc-dev, rust, cargo, and make.

Compose can be installed from pypi using pip. If you install using pip, we recommend that you use a virtualenv because many operating systems have python system packages that conflict with docker-compose dependencies. See the virtualenv tutorial to get started.

pip3 install docker-compose